Tiny feets!

26 February, 2008 at 12:56 am (FO, knitting)

Thanks for the response on the sweater–I do like it quite a bit, and it’s definitely going to become part of my wardrobe, I just think there’s some room for improvement in my future sweater knitting endeavors.

I moved on to something completely different yesterday–my dear stickyfingers said that she had a sweater kit that she didn’t want, and she would be happy to trade it with me for some handknits for her incoming babeh.


Of course I said hell yes. And then I learned that babyknits=instant gratification. Like, instant instant. Like, in four hours I went from a few grams of Koigu scraps to these:


So cute. And perfect for a spring/early summer baby. Look how cute the yarn striped up on the soles:


All I can think when I look at these is how cute the feet are going to be that go into them. They will be so tiny. And adorable.

I took a look at another bootie pattern, one that happens to be very popular, but… man. There are ends and seams everywhere. That doesn’t strike me as particularly comfortable for the baby. Plus, annoying to make. So I think I might try to reconstruct their shape in a seamless form. We’ll see how that goes.


(These are here on Ravelry.)


  1. Sade said,

    You need no reinvent the wheel, for someone already thought those lovely dutch booties where a pain to knit with so many ends and did this version, with instructions, even: http://fleeglesblog.blogspot.com/2007/12/sartjees-fleeglized-bootie.html

    Cute booties!

  2. stickyfingers said,

    Omg, for my little monkey?? Those are SO CUTE Jesh!

  3. eryn said,

    I just saw these on your Ravelry page! They are sooo adorable.

    *I am not stalking you 😛

  4. silencepainter said,

    Those turned out so cute. The colors are so perfect

  5. Georgiann said,

    So nice! What a great gift.

  6. Jo said,

    Very pretty booties – I love how all the colours are soft and muted.

  7. Ann said,

    I have this weird sudden interest in knitting things for grandbabies no one’s even thinking about yet (I hope). I’m going to add these to my list. In scraps of Koigu, like you did, they will be so cool…oh…maybe made Baby Surprise sweaters to match.

  8. Christina said,

    Aren’t those the most awesome little booties? I found that pattern on KPixie a couple weeks ago, but haven’t actually knit any yet. I should start some.

  9. I Can’t Believe I Forgot a Title! – Turtle Cove Farm said,

    […] in hand knits, so of course I had to knit some booties. I fell in love with Magic Slippers when Jesh blogged about them; they are quick, easy, and use up all that left over yarn. I knit these with two strands held […]

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