
27 January, 2010 at 8:37 pm (FO, knitting, spinning)

I finished my sweater the other day…

carter cardigan (by jesh\)

but I still can’t get good pictures of it.
YIP 027/365---Meh (by jesh\)

Remember that time when I said I could totally knit a cabled sweater out of black yarn and it would be fine? Wrong. I mean, the sweater is fine, the sweater is great, but the photography is proving tricky, as the above proves. I think I might have to recruit someone to be a human tripod for me and get some shots outside in the sun, if I want a chance of the pretty cables showing through.

In the meantime, I spun up some yarn…
handspun singles (by jesh\)
(35% merino, 35% alpaca, 30% wensleydale; 620 yds/45g)

handspunswatch (by jesh\)
…and knit it into a swatch for a new design, which will probably be released next month. Hopefully it will be easier to photograph than the sweater.


  1. Abby said,

    Beautiful sweater! You can kind of see the cables in the first pic, but I’d love to see some better pictures. 🙂

  2. Felicity said,

    That sweater is amazing! I really have to applaud your dedication; I knit one sweater and don’t see myself ever doing another.

  3. Julie said,

    gorgeous cardigan!! I love it.

  4. Abby said,

    It looks so great! I love the way the collar flips up a bit.

    Also that second picture is the best ever.

  5. Jo said,

    The sweater looks wonderful on you!

  6. juliedelves said,

    Fabulous cardigan! I want one. What is the pattern called and who designed it? Please 🙂

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