
11 January, 2010 at 9:30 am (FO, knitting)

It’s amazing how quickly I can go from having no knitting to being buried under an avalanche of yarn, swatches, and patterns. Unfortunately neither situation is particularly conducive to good blogging!

I did manage to polish off my first FO for the year; a pair of plain stockinette socks.
regiasocks (by jesh\)

It actually took me about three weeks to knit these, which is kind of silly, considering the way I can knock out a sweater in a week! But with sweaters I usually find myself intrigued enough to knit all the time, while stockinette socks are pretty boring and usually only get picked up when I have absolutely nothing else to do, or if I’m chatting at knit night, or similar.

I’m also test knitting for Laura/cosmicpluto again…
cartercardibackandsleeve (by jesh\)
But honestly, considering how well her patterns are written, it’s more like doing a sample knit than a full editing job. I did have to rip back the sleeve once but now that everything’s on track this should only take me another week or so to finish.

And that’s all I can share, for the moment! Everything else will be revealed in time. Hopefully.

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