
27 January, 2010 at 8:37 pm (FO, knitting, spinning)

I finished my sweater the other day…

carter cardigan (by jesh\)

but I still can’t get good pictures of it.
YIP 027/365---Meh (by jesh\)

Remember that time when I said I could totally knit a cabled sweater out of black yarn and it would be fine? Wrong. I mean, the sweater is fine, the sweater is great, but the photography is proving tricky, as the above proves. I think I might have to recruit someone to be a human tripod for me and get some shots outside in the sun, if I want a chance of the pretty cables showing through.

In the meantime, I spun up some yarn…
handspun singles (by jesh\)
(35% merino, 35% alpaca, 30% wensleydale; 620 yds/45g)

handspunswatch (by jesh\)
…and knit it into a swatch for a new design, which will probably be released next month. Hopefully it will be easier to photograph than the sweater.

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