A Little Lace

22 January, 2009 at 1:45 pm (FO, knitting)


Okay, here’s the thing.

I knit decently fast. Not like, world’s fastest knitter, faster than the eye can see fast. But I can whip through a single round of a stockinette sock in a minute, if I’ve got a non-splitty yarn and good needles and luck on my side. Fairly fast. But I also knit a lot. While most people are at work or out to lunch (or just out to lunch, if you know what I mean), I am knitting. I’d guess that if I’m truly enjoying a pattern and working hard on getting it finished, I probably knit 8-9 hours a day. 8-9 hours a day times one stitch every few seconds is a lot of stitches.

A lot of stitches and a really quickly completed shawl.


Pattern: Hyrna Herborgar by Sigridur Halldorsdottir
Yarn: Unidentified cashmere, 20g
Needles: US3/3.25mm Addi Turbos
Notes: I did overdye the yarn, as planned, and the difference is subtle, but there—the green is slightly more subdued and less pastel, while the pink confetti bits have turned a bit purple, and blend much better. Other than a slightly smaller needle size, I made absolutely no modifications to the pattern.

Really, truly, a delight to knit. I want to knit ten more.

On Ravelry here.

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