Gearing sideways

24 September, 2009 at 3:17 pm (knitting, spinning)

Turns out that to make spindles I actually need things like shafts and whorls and bead caps and glue… so mostly my prep for Rhinebeck so far has included spending lots of money and waiting for supply orders.

Not to worry, though, because I did manage to successfully complete my Kitris,
kitripairfinished (by jesh\)
and after a bath tonight and a photoshoot tomorrow I’ll give you a full post on ’em.

I also finished a skein of yarn—
seaandsandmerinobamboo (by jesh\)
(Merino/bamboo, 3oz, 260 yards, 3-ply. I’m hoping that I can get a pair of Pomatomus out of this, especially if I ply up the half ounce of singles I have left.)

And started a new spindle project.
borderleicesterstart (by jesh\)
I have big hopes and dreams for this yarn, although I’m a little hesitant to share them because they usually fall apart once I’ve told people what I’m doing. Still, I’ve got three ounces to get through before I can start putting these plans into action, and hopefully that’s enough time to sketch and swatch and get it right.

1 Comment

  1. Guro said,

    Ooohhh, love that spindle project. In the picture it looks like carded steel and copper.

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