
22 December, 2009 at 4:13 pm (FO, knitting)

The word ‘skeuomorph’ refers to no longer necessary features on things that are retained for decorative purposes, like rivets on jeans or the sound of a shutter click from a digital camera.

These mittens have no such features.

But I couldn’t resist naming them Skeuomorph, anyway, because it’s just such a delightful word. Plus, the sound makes me think of twisty, sideways things, and the mittens definitely are that.

skeuomorph 2 (by jesh\)

The pattern is currently off to the races with some test knitters but I assure you that the second it gets back, I will turn it into a PDF and give it its very own pattern page and announcement post. In the meantime…

heart bubbles (by jesh\)
*heart bubbles!* :D

Pattern: My own, coming shortly
Yarn: Plymouth Encore Worsted, 1 skein in charcoal (leftover from my dad’s vest!)
Needles: US3/3.25mm unnamed circs
On Ravelry here!


  1. Beverly said,

    Those look cozy, warm, and squishy! The pictures are fabulous.

  2. Carol said,

    Some words are just FUN!

  3. twinklesandglitter said,


  4. Denise D. said,

    Wow, these are beautiful. Jesh your hair looks amazing!!!!!

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