Burn out

22 May, 2008 at 8:26 am (knitting)

I’ve just discovered that I’ve finished about eight different projects in the past month and a half.


And now I’m suffering a bit. Is there an opposite to startitis? I keep looking at my WIPs, UFOs, and of course my rather formidable (12 page!) queue on Ravelry, wondering where to begin. I don’t want to work on any of it.

I did manage to finish up two small projects before this anti-startitis hit, my handspun socks:
which I might not be keeping because short row heels fit me terribly, and I’m not entirely sure why I decided to use them in the first place, but I also finally finished some booties:
which are so adorable and so, so tiny and I really hope they fit the baby that they’re meant for.

I’m also ashamed to admit that I started said booties in early March, did all of the knitting in about four hours, and then it’s taken me until now to weave in all the ends and sew on the buttons. I’m terrible.

Both projects are of course in my Rav notebook, here and here, respectively. I should go sort my queue and see if anything calls out to me…


  1. florapie said,

    Ha ha-I finished my Saartje’s booties in a hurry, but never got around to sewing the buttons on and now my daughter has definitely outgrown them. And frogged my first pair of short-row socks since I hated the way the heel fit. So, you’re not alone. But that handspun is absolutely beautiful! It deserves to be turned into socks you’ll actually wear 🙂

  2. Sharon said,

    It sounds like you’ve been really busy! And with summer slowly starting to come on your side of the world, I think you have earned yourself a well deserved break. The socks are beautiful though, and I agree with florapie, you should turn them into the type of socks that you’ll love and cherish forever (and want to wear every single day)!

  3. artkid said,

    ohhh those booties are so tiny and adorable! what a lovely gift they will be!

    also those socks are beautiful. i love the striping. man do i wish i could knit! i always start out good knitting a straight scarf, but then uh by the time i get more than three inches it’s wonky 😦 i will never learn to knit *CRIES*

    so instead i’ll admire yours!

  4. Nicole (purple_niko) said,

    I had the same problem with those bootees. They’re a cute pattern, easy to knit, but I swear, it took me just as long to weave in all the ends as it did for me to actually knit them!

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